All music available from the Canadian Music Centre https://cmccanada.org

Toccata (2007) Around 3 minutes. Written for the composer’s daughter, Jessica.


Mutability (2002) 5 min. for piano. Commissioned by Jane Gordon. Premiered by Bonnie Nicholson at the Mayfair United Church for the Alliance for Canadian New Music Project. CMC https://www.dropbox.com/s/w0tlka8d55xtxv2/Mutability.mp3?raw=1

Wascana Park  (2001) 3 min. Commissioned by Annette and Monte Floyd with assistance from the Saskatchewan Arts Board for premiere in several locations in Europe and Saskatchewan. Recorded by CBC for broadcast in May, 2001. (Elizabeth Raum is playing in this performance). https://www.dropbox.com/s/pfi4qjavc0nq30u/Wascana%20Park.mp3?raw=1

Fast Lane for organ (2001) 3 min. Commissioned by Annette and Monte Floyd with assistance from the Sask. Arts Board for premiere in several locations in Europe but premiered by Rhonda Sider Edgington at Market Square Presbyterian Church in Harrisburg, PA. This was on Women’s Composer Sunday, March 5, 2023 in a program featuring all works by women composers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIOZaUUQBnw

Sonata for Piano Four Hands, commissioned and recorded by the Tucson Winter Chamber Music Festival and performed by Kevin Fitz-Gerald and Bernadine Blaha. https://www.dropbox.com/s/w92c0j79mrqdjjt/1.%20Sonata%20Four%20Hands%20Mv.%201%20copy.mp3?raw=1

River Rhapsodie (1995) 10 min. For solo piano. Written for and premiered by Michael Angell at the 1995 Prairie Festival of New Music. https://www.dropbox.com/s/sv1wpfawjdlyh4f/River%20Rhapsody.mp3?raw=1

Evolution: A Theme With Variations (1984) 10 min. A two piano version of the chamber orchestra work that goes with the video on youtube. https://www.dropbox.com/s/y47j26btdwcshyr/Evolution%20piano.mp3?raw=1

Six Easy Pieces for Beginner Piano (2004) Around a minute each. This piece is probably around grade 3.